Sample Collection
All bottles provided are labeled according to methodology and contain the preservative required by the method. Please do not rinse the bottles since that will remove the preservative.
Complete the sample label and the Chain of Custody Form supplied by the Regional Water Authority. Proper identification, including the date and time of collection, must be submitted.
If samples are collected from a standard faucet, remove the aerator, screen, and all attachments from the faucet.
Before collecting any sample, turn on the cold water tap and run for four to five minutes or until the water temperature has stabilized, whichever is longer. Then reduce flow, so that stream of water is no greater than 1/8 inch in diameter.
Most samples need to be placed in a cooler with ice at the time of collection through the delivery process. The laboratory will supply the coolers and ice packs. Please ensure that the ice packs are frozen before beginning sample collection. Specific temperature requirements are documented in each section.
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